

Why this Diwali would be special for service providers like career counsellor?

Why this Diwali would be special for service providers like career counsellor?

Diwali amidst pandemic may create different feelings among different people. 

For many, it may be the day of good hope for better tomorrow.

For few, it may be the day of joy to thank the almighty for protecting them from the pandemic and it impacts economically.

We witnessed many of our career counsellors realizing the career counselling practice was least impacted due to pandemic. 

The entire career counselling business was possible to run 100% online. 

Starting from Lead generation, Lead qualifying, Appointment scheduling, Assessment completion, Report generation, Career counselling delivery, Payment receipt and Collecting the reviews could be done from anywhere in the world by the clients. 

Many existing career counsellors realized the power of a full-fledged online career counselling setup during this pandemic, and they thrived.

Heartfelt Diwali wishes to all our successful career counselling channel partners who made it big in these difficult times.

Asked by Edumilestones | 13th of November 2020

career counsellor voiceofvipin

1 Answers

Anupma Mehrotra | M.A., B.Ed., Post Grad. D...

2nd of February 2021 | 2 Likes


Yes, it’s true, the career counsellors can be service providers this Diwali. As in pandemic time everything is changed. All are forced to stay at home and work online. Everybody has same quality but in this pandemic time, the first and foremost job is to come out from the fear and to come over the loss. Career counsellor can guide a person according to his / her abilities as new opportunities are created with further advancement of technology. Career counsellors can show them the path and it will help in pursuing the job according to their choice. Career counsellors can help in bringing the natural talent. Career counsellors can prevent a person in a frustrating job.
